Importance of SWOT analysis for Website or Blog

A SWOT Analysis is a powerful technique for identifying Strength and Weakness, and for examining the opportunities and Threats your employees face.

S  = Strength ,W = Weakness ,O = Opportunities and T = Threats

As the Manager of the website, you focus and develop their attributes while minimizing their weakness and reducing the threats to turnover on your team.Swot analysis provide the information that is helpful in the matching our resource and capabilities to the competitive environment in which you operate.
Competitor in the internet marketing is very high, so compete this you must know what you have resource and how much you have capabilities to consume the resource.Swot analysis also give information the opportunities and threats.If you want to compete the goal you must use more and more opportunities and reduce the threats.

In SWOT analysis we get first information about their strength then weakness and then opportunities and then threats. But Now the Manager not use the SWOT Although they use TOWS. You analysis this is opposite. In TOWS we get information about their threats then Opportunities then Weakness and then Strength.
With TOWS first we know their Threats, so when you know about their Threats we analysis their their Opportunities to reduce the Threats. Then we get information about their Weakness then we see their Strength to eliminate the Weakness.

Importance of SWOT analysis for Website or Blog

Now you the importance of SWOT analysis. Now build the SWOT analysis of your website.SWOT analyses begin with a structure consisting of an internal and external environment. Each environment group contains a positive category (things that will be beneficial to reaching the business objectives) and a negative category (things that could prevent you from reaching the objectives). These categories contain the characteristics that make up the analysis.

  • Internal Environment- within your control such as your website or your company
  • External Environment- outside of your control such as the marketplace

Internal Environment


Strength means you have but not your competitor in their website.create the competitive edge and achieve your objects. Website strength are related to these 
  • What advantage you have and other not?
  • What do they do better than anyone else?
  • What personal resources do you have access to?
  • Useful and relevant content
  • Quality and easy checkout process
  • Large Forums
  • Back-links
  • Site linking
  • Low Bounce Rate
  • friendly structure
  • High Loading speed in low time


Weaknesses means you do not have but your competitor have. we also say that things that destroy you repudiation.Here some weaknesses are related to website weaknesses

  • What things are the people around them likely to see as weaknesses?
  • outdated and ineffective design
  • content that is not customer-centrist
  • confusing structure and navigation
  • irrelevant content
  • low writing
  • Lack of mobile support
  • Not much back-links
  • High bounce rate
  • low loading speed in high time

External Environment


Opportunities mean that way in which you can improve you website. And create the competitive advantage. Here some Opportunities 

  • Change in technology and improve user experience
  • use more social media
  • Create new design if you design not friendly
  • Do positive and negative market


Threats means anything that is outside of your control that may prevent you from reaching website’s business objectives. Here some threats example

  • New law and regulation
  • Change need and want of customer
  • Economy stability
  • Face High competitor
  • Spam advertising
  • Fraudulent activity 

Now that you have characteristics for each of the four quadrants, you can better the performance of the website within your marketplace. Your SWOT analysis gives an objective view of what characteristics and factors are affecting the website. From this point, you can start working towards reducing the impact of the negative effects and capitalizing on your strengths and opportunities.

But already i tell you now the marketer use TOWS instead of SWOT. So if you want to improve the 
website then i recommend the use the TOWS Because in this you first analysis the external factor and and way find to control. If you reduce the threats then you easily control the Internal factor and get competitive advantage.

Slide presentation 

Importance of SWOT analysis for Website or Blog Importance of SWOT analysis for Website or Blog Reviewed by Abdul hanan on 14:29:00 Rating: 5

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